Professor Strier earned her PhD from Harvard University. Her pioneering, long-term field research on the critically endangered northern muriqui in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest has contributed directly to its conservation and has been influential in expanding comparative perspectives on primate behavioral and ecological diversity. She is a Member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. She holds an Honorary Doctor of Science from the University of Chicago, the 2010 Distinguished Primatologist Award from the American Society of Primatology, and Lifetime Honorary Memberships from the Brazilian and Latin American Primatological Societies. She has authored over 200 publications, including Primate Behavioral Ecology (6th edition due early 2021). She has held positions in many professional societies and is currently the President of the International Primatological Society.
Strier KB. 2018 Primate social behavior. Centennial Perspective. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 165:801-812.
Strier KB, Possami CB, Tabacow FP, Pissinatti A, Lanna, AM, Melo FR, Moreira, L, Talebi M, Breves P, Mendes SL, and Jerusalinsky L. 2017. Demographic monitoring of wild muriqui populations: Criteria for defining priority areas and monitoring intensity. PLoS One 12(12): e0188922.
Strier KB. 2017. What does variation in primate behavior mean? Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 162 (S63):4-14.
Strier KB. Chaves PB, Mendes SL, Fagundes V, and Di Fiore A. 2011. Low paternity skew and the influence of maternal kin in an egalitarian, patrilocal primate. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 108:18915-18919.
Strier KB. Altmann J, Brockman DK, Bronikowski,A, Cords M, Fedigan LM, Lapp H, Liu X, Morris W., Pusey AE, Stoinski TS, and Alberts SC. 2010. The Primate Life History Database: A unique shared ecological data resource. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 1: 199-210.
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